Our Impact
The Carers Foundation Australia provides family Carers with our unique wellbeing programs to support their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Thousands of carers have attended our programs and found that they are better able to cope with their role when they return home.
Burnout is very real and the health effects are debilitating.
The purpose of these programs are to prevent health crisis breakdown from the impact of caring.
Other significant outcomes are the new meaningful connections established and improved mental health resilience. Carers are more engaged and connected, empowered, have increased capacity and feel valued.
As of 2024 The Carers Foundation Australia has supported:
10,000+ Carers attending our wellness programs to support from compassion fatigue since 2002.
Thousands of;
- Individual and group carer-specific counselling sessions delivered
- Stress management and mental health resilience workshops delivered
- Healing therapies delivered on site and in-home
- Meaningful social connections developed and new referrals made
Plus Online programs during Covid restrictions
Over 98% of participants report a significant reduction in stress after each program
Our unique programs assist to avert health crisis breakdowns in carers resulting from compassion fatigue
The reality is that there are young children caring for their sick or disabled parent or siblings, of which the general public are totally unaware.
Even elderly Carers over 85 years old still care for their disabled or medically unwell children or partner, often experiencing injuries, and or abuse.
WHO CARES for these unsung Heroes?
The Carers Foundation Australia offers REAL support by REAL people who CARE
PHONE: 1800 WHOCARES – 1800 946 227
EMAIL: info@thecarersfoundation.org