Keyarn's 24hr Handball Challenge

Keyarn is 8 years old and is wanting to raise funds for The Carers Foundation in Brisbane. Keyarn was born with a very rare and progressive bone disease, so rare that only 2 other people in Australia have this condition.

Keyarn is limited with what sports he can play, but he can play and LOVES handball. He has come up with an idea to hold a 24hour handball challenge in order to raise funds The Carers Foundation (Don’t worry he wont be doing the full 24hrs on his own)

If you would also like to help support Keyarn by volunteering on the day, please fill out the form below. If you cant make it but would still like to support, Keyan’s Mycause page can be found Here.

The 24hr fundraiser will commence on 5:00 pm Saturday 31st July 2021 to 5:00pm Sunday 1st August 2021 and will be held at Nudgee College.